Sunday, October 26, 2008

Calculate date difference in years, months and days using VB.NET and C#

Recently I needed function that will return the date difference in years, months and days. I didn't find many posts on internet for accured messuring the difference including the leap years, so this is the class I wrote and I hope you will find it useful.

VB code:

Public Class DateSpan
Public Sub New(ByVal startDate As DateTime, ByVal enddate As DateTime)
_years = 0
_months = 0
_days = 0
Dim ds As DateSpan = DateDiff(startDate, enddate)
If Not ds Is Nothing Then
_years = ds.Years
_months = ds.Months
_days = ds.Days
End If
End Sub
Public Sub New()
_years = 0
_months = 0
_days = 0
End Sub

Private _years As Integer
Private _months As Integer
Private _days As Integer

Public Property Years() As Integer
Return _years
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
_years = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Months() As Integer
Return _months
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
_months = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Days() As Integer
Return _days
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
_days = value
End Set
End Property

Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return String.Format("{0} year(s) {1} month(s) {2} day(s)", _years, _months, _days)
End Function
Public Sub Reverse(ByVal reverse As Boolean)
If reverse Then
_years = -1 * _years
_months = -1 * _months
_days = -1 * _days
End If
End Sub

Public Shared Function DateDiff(ByVal startDate As DateTime, ByVal endDate As DateTime) As DateSpan
If (startDate = DateTime.MinValue) OrElse (endDate = DateTime.MinValue) Then Return Nothing
Dim reverse As Boolean = False
' reverse the dates
If startDate > endDate Then
Dim tmpDate As DateTime = endDate
endDate = startDate
startDate = tmpDate
reverse = True
End If

Dim ds As New DateSpan
' calculate years
If startDate.Year = endDate.Year Then
ds.Years = 0
ds.Years = endDate.Year - startDate.Year
End If
' calculate months
If startDate.Month = endDate.Month Then
ds.Months = 0
ElseIf startDate.Month < months =" endDate.Month" months =" 12" day =" endDate.Day" days =" 0" days =" endDate.Day" days =" Date.DaysInMonth(startDate.Year,">= Date.DaysInMonth(endDate.Year, endDate.Month) AndAlso _
startDate.Day > Date.DaysInMonth(endDate.Year, endDate.Month) Then

ds.Days = ds.Days - Date.DaysInMonth(endDate.Year, endDate.Month)
If ds.Months = 0 Then
ds.Years -= 1
ds.Months = 11
ds.Months -= 1
End If
End If
End If
' reverse date (show negative difference)
Return ds
End Function

End Class

C# code:

public class DateSpan

private int _years = 0;
private int _months = 0;
private int _days = 0;

public int Years
get { return _years; }
set { _years = value; }
public int Months
get { return _months; }
set { _months = value; }
public int Days
get { return _days; }
set { _days = value; }

public override string ToString()
return string.Format("{0:00}year(s) {1:00} month(s) {2:00} day(s)", _years, _months, _days);
public void Reverse(bool reverse)
if (reverse)
_years = -1 * _years;
_months = -1 * _months;
_days = -1 * _days;

public static DateSpan DateDiff(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
if ((startDate == null) (endDate == null)) return null;
bool reverse = false;
// reverse the dates
if (startDate > endDate)
DateTime tmpDate = endDate;
endDate = startDate;
startDate = tmpDate;
reverse = true;

DateSpan ds = new DateSpan();
// calculate years
if (startDate.Year == endDate.Year)
ds.Years = 0;
ds.Years = endDate.Year - startDate.Year;
// calculate months
if (startDate.Month == endDate.Month)
ds.Months = 0;
else if (startDate.Month < months =" endDate.Month" months =" 12" day ="=" days =" 0;" days =" endDate.Day" days =" System.DateTime.DaysInMonth(startDate.Year,">= System.DateTime.DaysInMonth(endDate.Year, endDate.Month) && startDate.Day > System.DateTime.DaysInMonth(endDate.Year, endDate.Month))

ds.Days = ds.Days - System.DateTime.DaysInMonth(endDate.Year, endDate.Month);
if (ds.Months > 0)
ds.Months -= 1;
} else {
ds.Months = 11;
ds.Years -= 1;
// reverse date (show negative difference)
return ds;


Unknown said...

A working example with input and output would have been even more helpful to part-time programmers. But very cool anyway. Thanks.

Unknown said...

A working example with input and output would have been even more helpful to part-time programmers. But very cool anyway. Thanks.