Sunday, October 29, 2006

CN Tower Panorama

I’ve finally done the stitching of the pictures from the CN Tower. I tried couple of applications and the Autostitch has done the best stitching. It has very good recognition engine and it's doing an amazing stitching. (

Sky Dive

Today I've added the video of my first sky diving jump on my website. That was the most terrifying thing that I had ever experienced in my live and, in the same time, the most thrilling thing. The weather was good and I had magnificent view over the Toronto and Hamilton although I didn't have many seconds to enjoy it. My thoughts were divided between the fear and the beauty. I will have to do it again to conquer the fear and free up the feel of joy from the breathtaking scenery.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Translatation of the FDM into Macedonian Language

FDM (Free Download Manager) has accepted my transation and now you can enjoy the use of FDM in Macededonian language.

FDM website:

to download FDM visit: